Dextron's Applications
Designed to meet the unique AI needs of individuals and businesses, Dextron hosts a variety of applications. Whatever your interest, business need or service you wish to enhance, tailor Dextron to meet your requirements and take your AI game to the next level
Robot Animation
No-code robot animation with comprehensive animation tools, user friendly interface and easy-t0-use software dashboard.
Watch your animated robot come to life with real-time rendering with our in-house physics engine. Design your own gesture or make use of our extensive library of ready to use gestures.
Collaborative features allow for different robot skins and characters.
AI Powered Chatbot
Tailor y0ur own AI chatbot and transform your customer's online digital experience. Intuitive chat, generative AI replies and more poignant responses to elevate and enhance the customer interfacing chat tool.
No more scripted responses or dead-end automated responses.
Virtual Avatar Concierge
Transport your customers to your own customised virtual store and enhance the customer service interaction experience through a fully customisable virtual avatar concierge.
Fully interactive and fully powered by AI.
Customer Face Recognition
Recognise your customers instantly and assess their moods and replies to correctly tailor your business's reply to elevate your customer service.
Improve customer interaction scores and change the way you interact with your business partners and customers
Custom AI Games
Create customised games powered by AI to raise interactivity and increased engagement with your customers.